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Presence absence of text: fully texted with two or more texts
Separate text: no separate text
Planned initials frequency: rarely
Number of staves: 3
Number of staves: 8
Extra space: variable space, not on grid
Pricking frequency: never
Search results
- Brussels, Belgium, Bibliothèque Royal Albert 1er/Koninklijke Bibliotheek Albert I, MS 6428, c. 1520-1530, All folios
- Brussels, Belgium, Bibliothèque Royal Albert 1er/Koninklijke Bibliotheek Albert I, MS 9126, 1504-1505, All folios
- London, Great Britain, British Library, MS Additional 31922, c. 1510-20, All folios
- London, Great Britain, British Library, MS Additional 5665, c.1460-1510, All folios
- Munich, Germany, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Musica MS 52 (olim H.C.65; = MaiM 91), c. 1510 - after 1523, All folios