PRoMs - The Production and Reading of Music Sources

Mise-en-page in manuscripts and printed books containing polyphonic music, 1480—1530

Manuscript: Seville, Spain, Biblioteca Capitular y Colombina, MS 5-1-43 (olim Z Tab. 135, N.° 33)

Manuscript type: choirbook

RISM siglum: E-Sc 5-1-43

DIAMM Source Key: 741

Folio(s): All folios

Date: c. 1470-85

see Atlas 1975-6, Schavran 1978

Location of origin: Naples, Italy ; Rome, Italy


1. Fernando Colón (Ferdinand Columbus) (b. 1488, d. 1539), bibliographer and cosmographer, son of Christopher Columbus, purchased by him in Rome in 1515 when it formed a single manuscript with Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, nafr 4379, ff. 1-42: listed as no. 2526 in the surviving catalogue, 'Registrum B' of Colón's books; 2. bequeathed by Colón with his entire library, the so-called 'Fernandina' or 'Colombina', to his nephew Luis; 3. Biblioteca Colombina passed in 1544, to the Convent of St. Paul in Seville and in 1552 to the chapter of Seville Cathedral: included in the 1684 catalogue of the library by Juan de Loaysa with a mention of existing 181 leaves; old shelfmark 'tab. 135 No. 33' (inside front cover).


Person: Anonymous, Anonymous
Person type: scribe


Anglès 1929; Anglès 1947, 3, 8; Plamenac 1951–2, (1951) 501-542; XXXVIII and (1952), 85-117, 245-277; Plamenac 1962; Plamenac 1965; Jeppesen 1968–70, II, 196-7; III, 75, 91-3; Moerk 1971; Hanen 1973, 24, 37-9, 256-8, 267; Atlas 1975–6, I, 73ff, 257; Schavran 1978, I, 49-57, 78, 332-4; Census-Catalogue 1979-1988, III, 139; Boorman 1981, 326-39; Atlas 1981b, xxiii, xxvi-xxvii, xxxi, xxxvi, 3-4, 62-64, 77-85, 89-92; Sáez Guillén 2002, 75-9.

Basis for description: original

Seville, Spain, Biblioteca Capitular y Colombina, MS 5-1-43 (olim Z Tab. 135, N.° 33), All folios

Physical description

Material: paper

Number of leaves: i + 138 + i

Format: upright

Page dimensions: 209 x 157

Quire structure: Text version

Index / Table of Contents: Incomplete alphabetical index, ff. 1r-2r:
Lo jorno mi consumo 4
la morte che spavento
adame faites me savoir
on sent plaisir
Ma bouche rijt 33
Mon seul plaisir 61
ma votre [ceur - depicted] nus en oubly 78
ma tres souveraine
Moro per che
m...hert lut sinertz
Ma maistresse 132
[N]iet laes
[N]aray jamais mieulx
Nostre dame 90
rosa bella 72?
O hertzen trost 60
O rosa bella
O fortune tu es trop dure
O gloriosa 109
Due ... 162
[p]our prison 64
[p]our fort amer 3
Jdour quelque paine
Par le regart 62
Pour prison
Puis que vis
Poure por necessite 100
Pour tant se mon
Pelegrino son tot na...
[Q]ui poroit
[Q]uelquel part 96
Quel poure homo
Quant viendra la foy
Que ville
Qui ne le croit
[S?]e regarde
Se nay secours
Seul es garee
Se une fois
Se trouver joie
Se iay vostre grace requise
Seul en amours 76
Sil coument
[in a different hand:]
salvator mundi
...samblant 4
Vostre bruit amaicter? 50

Non-musical texts: Musical treatise on ff. 2v-5v

Other devices: 1. Quire/leaf signatures recto bottom right, a1-r8 in original manuscript of 188 folios, with six quinios (a b c d p q), ten senios (signatures e f g h j k l m n o), and one quaternio (r). Original folios now in Part I of F-Pn 4379 include e2-e11, f4-f12, g1, h2-h11, n2-n12, and o1
2 Original numbering of pieces, ink recto top right, 1-164 (including several inconsistencies; numbers sometimes misconstrued as foliation).
3. Modern pencil foliation (Higini Anglès), 1-138.

Page details (zoom):

Preparation and Copying

All folios


Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking never
Ruled grid normally,
very faint
Ruling pattern fairly regular
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
hard point and lead point normally very faint, hardly visible usually
brown ink rarely 112r-119v
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
dark brown always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always numerous rastra used, of differing heights
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
single sometimes 63v-99v, 111r-v, 120r-v, 131v, 137v staves and notation indented for first stave of page. Notation sometimes indented on staves for first line of each voice part where no indentation of staves.
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
empty ruled staves on grid often
Space provided for separate text Frequency Folios Note
not in dedicated space always 42r, 49v, 72v, 116v-120r, 133v-134r
Adhoc adaptation Frequency Folios Note
notation extended into margin sometimes
staves extended into margin rarely 64v
made for complete additional staves rarely 124v
partial additional staves rarely 33v, 103r, 131v-132r
notation and staves extended into margin rarely 35v, 41r, 43v, 109v, 125r, 128r

Copying of text and music

Language(s) Dutch, French, German, Italian, Latin
Order of Copying music first
Presence/absence of text Voice part Frequency Folios Note
provided with one or two incipits all voice parts sometimes
fully texted with one text all voice parts rarely 15v-16r, 71v-72r, 133v-134r
untexted all voice parts rarely 43v-44r, 80v-81r, 95v-96r, 113v-115r, 121v-122v, 126v-127r
fully texted with one or two texts discantus sometimes
provided with one or two incipits all except discantus sometimes
partially texted with one text all except discantus rarely 73v-74r
untexted all except discantus rarely 35v-36v, 96v-97r, 106v-107r, 115v-116r, 119v, 127v-128r, 129v-130v, 135v-136r, 138v
provided with single incipit discantus rarely 96v-97r, 115v-116r, 119v, 127v-128r, 129v-130v, 135v-136r, 138v
untexted altus rarely 29v-30r, 32v-34r
provided with single incipit all except altus rarely 29v-30r
fully texted with one text all except altus rarely 32v-34r
untexted all except tenor rarely 124v-125r
provided with single incipit all except tenor rarely 31v-32r, 52v-53r, 130v-132r
partially texted with one text tenor rarely 40v-41r
fully texted with one text all except tenor rarely 40v-41r
partially texted with one text bassus rarely 34v-35r
fully texted with one text all except bassus rarely 34v-35r, 72v-73r, 101v-102r, 104v-105r
untexted bassus rarely 39v-40r, 104v-105r
provided with single incipit all except bassus rarely 39v-40r
untexted tenor rarely 31v-32r, 52v-53r, 120r
fully texted with one or two texts altus rarely 103v-104r,
partially texted with one or two texts discantus rarely 92v-93r, 97v-98r, 99v, 103v-104r
fully texted with one or two texts tenor rarely 103v-104r, 130v-132r
provided with single incipit bassus rarely 72v-73r, 101v-102r, 103v-104r, 120r
fully texted with one or two texts discantus and tenor rarely 16v-17r, 111v-113r, 128v-129r, 134v-135r
provided with single incipit all except discantus and tenor rarely 16v-17r, 111v-113r, 134v-135r
partially texted with one text all except discantus and tenor rarely 128v-129r
provided with single incipit tenor rarely 37v-38r, 105v-106r, 108v-109r, 124v-125r
untexted all except discantus and tenor rarely 37v-38r, 105v-106r, 108v-109r
Colour(s) of notation black brown
Type(s) of notation void mensural
Monophonic notation absent
Level of calligraphy fair
Non verbal performance instructions Folios Note
repeat signs 15v-17r, 22v-23r, 32v-33r, 48r, 59v-60r, 100v-101r, 103v-105r, 115v-115r, 121v-122r, 130v, 131v
signes-de-renvoi 12v-14r, 34v-35r, 55v-56r, 57v-58r, 60v-61r, 67v-68r, 80v-81r, 88v-92r, 93v-94r, 97v-98r, 127v-128r
signa congruentiae may indicate a corona
end symbol omnipresent ff. 36r-38r, 49r-50v, 63r-111r (where red is used in initials and voice names): double barline filled with red, faded yellow decoration added to right of second barline.
Text 1
Types of script display script
Types of script folios 63r-74r
Types of script note majuscules used for voice names
Level of calligraphy high
Colour(s) of text red dark brown yellow
Brown majuscules, touched with red, on a faded yellow background
Multiple texts no
Text repetitions none
Abbreviations some
Non underlaid vocal text none
Text 2
Types of script hybrida
Types of script note various different hands, writing with varying degrees of cursivity
Level of calligraphy fair
Colour(s) of text black red brown
36r-38r, 49r-50v, 63r-111r on these folios (where red is used in the display text), certain majuscules of the underlaid and liminary text are touched with red.
Multiple texts yes
16v, 54v, 55v-56r, 59v, 76v-77r, 103v-105r, 131v
Text repetitions fairly few
Abbreviations some
Non underlaid vocal text additional
42r, 49v, 72v, 116v-120r, 133v-134r,
in blank staves
Liminary text verte (folium) (cito): 11r, 37v-38r, 100r, 105v-106r, 108r, 125v-126r residuum: 11v, 93v, 100v, 109v composer named: 98v, 103v, 122v, 123v, 135v canon: 108v, 113v cannon instructions: 107v, 108v, 109v, 113v ut supra: 121v-122r duo: 132v-133r
Text 3
Types of script display script
Types of script folios 36r-38r, 49v-50v, 75r-111r
Types of script note enlarged rotonda script used for voice names
Level of calligraphy high
Colour(s) of text red
Multiple texts no
Text repetitions none
Abbreviations some
Non underlaid vocal text none


Level of Decoration fair
Decoration initial type Frequency Folios Initial type(s) Size position Description Discrepancies
initials planned rarely 111v, 120r-v, 131v Staves indented: initials planned at page ruling stave, but text scribe copied full words, i.e. initials no longer planned at text copying stage.
penned initials often 35v-36v, 49r-50v, 57v, 63r-111r, 123v-124r, 133v-138v calligraphic , calligraphic with decoration, calligraphic with grotesque heads one stave tall, start of each voice part. Notation and/or stave often indented on first line of page, initials further down the page are often placed in margin. In brown ink, decorated with some red and yellow, now faded. some initials missing, e.g. ff. 77v, 80v, 96r etc.
initials planned sometimes 10v-35r, 37v-38v, 41v-45v, 51v-56v, 58v-62v, 116v-119r, 125v, 128v Guide letters only Cue letter in margin for discantus part, and/or first letter missing; no indentation (except 37v-38v). 37v-38v: notation indented on stave for each voice
Other decoration frequency Folios Other decoration type(s) Size position Description Discrepancies
often decorative final long