Seville, Spain, Biblioteca Capitular y Colombina, MS 5-1-43 (olim Z Tab. 135, N.° 33), All folios
Physical description
Material: paper
Number of leaves: i + 138 + i
Format: upright
Page dimensions: 209 x 157
Quire structure: Text version
Index / Table of Contents: Incomplete alphabetical index, ff. 1r-2r:
Lo jorno mi consumo 4
la morte che spavento
adame faites me savoir
on sent plaisir
Ma bouche rijt 33
Mon seul plaisir 61
ma votre [ceur - depicted] nus en oubly 78
ma tres souveraine
Moro per che
m...hert lut sinertz
Ma maistresse 132
[N]iet laes
[N]aray jamais mieulx
Nostre dame 90
rosa bella 72?
O hertzen trost 60
O rosa bella
O fortune tu es trop dure
O gloriosa 109
Due ... 162
[p]our prison 64
[p]our fort amer 3
Jdour quelque paine
Par le regart 62
Pour prison
Puis que vis
Poure por necessite 100
Pour tant se mon
Pelegrino son tot na...
[Q]ui poroit
[Q]uelquel part 96
Quel poure homo
Quant viendra la foy
Que ville
Qui ne le croit
[S?]e regarde
Se nay secours
Seul es garee
Se une fois
Se trouver joie
Se iay vostre grace requise
Seul en amours 76
Sil coument
[in a different hand:]
salvator mundi
...samblant 4
Vostre bruit amaicter? 50
Non-musical texts: Musical treatise on ff. 2v-5v
Other devices: 1. Quire/leaf signatures recto bottom right, a1-r8 in original manuscript of 188 folios, with six quinios (a b c d p q), ten senios (signatures e f g h j k l m n o), and one quaternio (r). Original folios now in Part I of F-Pn 4379 include e2-e11, f4-f12, g1, h2-h11, n2-n12, and o1
2 Original numbering of pieces, ink recto top right, 1-164 (including several inconsistencies; numbers sometimes misconstrued as foliation).
3. Modern pencil foliation (Higini Anglès), 1-138.
Page details (zoom):
Preparation and Copying
All foliosPreparation
Disposition of Voice Parts Key
Pricking | never |
Ruled grid |
very faint |
Ruling pattern | fairly regular |
Staves omitted from grid | never |
Incomplete staves | never |
Medium and colour of grid | Frequency | Folios | Note |
hard point and lead point | normally | very faint, hardly visible usually | |
brown ink | rarely | 112r-119v | |
Colour of staves | Frequency | Folios | Note |
dark brown | always | ||
Ruling medium | Frequency | Folios | Note |
single rastrum | always | numerous rastra used, of differing heights | |
Indentation for initials | Frequency | Folios | Note |
single | sometimes | 63v-99v, 111r-v, 120r-v, 131v, 137v | staves and notation indented for first stave of page. Notation sometimes indented on staves for first line of each voice part where no indentation of staves. |
Extra space between voice parts | Frequency | Folios | Note |
empty ruled staves on grid | often | ||
Space provided for separate text | Frequency | Folios | Note |
not in dedicated space | always | 42r, 49v, 72v, 116v-120r, 133v-134r | |
Adhoc adaptation | Frequency | Folios | Note |
notation extended into margin | sometimes | ||
staves extended into margin | rarely | 64v | |
made for complete additional staves | rarely | 124v | |
partial additional staves | rarely | 33v, 103r, 131v-132r | |
notation and staves extended into margin | rarely | 35v, 41r, 43v, 109v, 125r, 128r |
Copying of text and music
Language(s) | Dutch, French, German, Italian, Latin |
Order of Copying |
music first
normally |
Presence/absence of text | Voice part | Frequency | Folios | Note |
provided with one or two incipits | all voice parts | sometimes | ||
fully texted with one text | all voice parts | rarely | 15v-16r, 71v-72r, 133v-134r | |
untexted | all voice parts | rarely | 43v-44r, 80v-81r, 95v-96r, 113v-115r, 121v-122v, 126v-127r | |
fully texted with one or two texts | discantus | sometimes | ||
provided with one or two incipits | all except discantus | sometimes | ||
partially texted with one text | all except discantus | rarely | 73v-74r | |
untexted | all except discantus | rarely | 35v-36v, 96v-97r, 106v-107r, 115v-116r, 119v, 127v-128r, 129v-130v, 135v-136r, 138v | |
provided with single incipit | discantus | rarely | 96v-97r, 115v-116r, 119v, 127v-128r, 129v-130v, 135v-136r, 138v | |
untexted | altus | rarely | 29v-30r, 32v-34r | |
provided with single incipit | all except altus | rarely | 29v-30r | |
fully texted with one text | all except altus | rarely | 32v-34r | |
untexted | all except tenor | rarely | 124v-125r | |
provided with single incipit | all except tenor | rarely | 31v-32r, 52v-53r, 130v-132r | |
partially texted with one text | tenor | rarely | 40v-41r | |
fully texted with one text | all except tenor | rarely | 40v-41r | |
partially texted with one text | bassus | rarely | 34v-35r | |
fully texted with one text | all except bassus | rarely | 34v-35r, 72v-73r, 101v-102r, 104v-105r | |
untexted | bassus | rarely | 39v-40r, 104v-105r | |
provided with single incipit | all except bassus | rarely | 39v-40r | |
untexted | tenor | rarely | 31v-32r, 52v-53r, 120r | |
fully texted with one or two texts | altus | rarely | 103v-104r, | |
partially texted with one or two texts | discantus | rarely | 92v-93r, 97v-98r, 99v, 103v-104r | |
fully texted with one or two texts | tenor | rarely | 103v-104r, 130v-132r | |
provided with single incipit | bassus | rarely | 72v-73r, 101v-102r, 103v-104r, 120r | |
fully texted with one or two texts | discantus and tenor | rarely | 16v-17r, 111v-113r, 128v-129r, 134v-135r | |
provided with single incipit | all except discantus and tenor | rarely | 16v-17r, 111v-113r, 134v-135r | |
partially texted with one text | all except discantus and tenor | rarely | 128v-129r | |
provided with single incipit | tenor | rarely | 37v-38r, 105v-106r, 108v-109r, 124v-125r | |
untexted | all except discantus and tenor | rarely | 37v-38r, 105v-106r, 108v-109r |
Colour(s) of notation | black brown |
Type(s) of notation | void mensural |
Monophonic notation | absent |
Level of calligraphy | fair |
Non verbal performance instructions | Folios | Note |
repeat signs | 15v-17r, 22v-23r, 32v-33r, 48r, 59v-60r, 100v-101r, 103v-105r, 115v-115r, 121v-122r, 130v, 131v | |
signes-de-renvoi | 12v-14r, 34v-35r, 55v-56r, 57v-58r, 60v-61r, 67v-68r, 80v-81r, 88v-92r, 93v-94r, 97v-98r, 127v-128r | |
signa congruentiae | may indicate a corona | |
end symbol | omnipresent ff. 36r-38r, 49r-50v, 63r-111r (where red is used in initials and voice names): double barline filled with red, faded yellow decoration added to right of second barline. |
Text 1
Types of script | display script |
Types of script folios | 63r-74r |
Types of script note | majuscules used for voice names |
Level of calligraphy | high |
Colour(s) of text | red dark brown yellow Brown majuscules, touched with red, on a faded yellow background |
Multiple texts | no |
Text repetitions | none |
Abbreviations | some |
Non underlaid vocal text | none |
Text 2
Types of script | hybrida |
Types of script note | various different hands, writing with varying degrees of cursivity |
Level of calligraphy | fair |
Colour(s) of text | black red brown 36r-38r, 49r-50v, 63r-111r on these folios (where red is used in the display text), certain majuscules of the underlaid and liminary text are touched with red. |
Multiple texts |
16v, 54v, 55v-56r, 59v, 76v-77r, 103v-105r, 131v |
Text repetitions | fairly few |
Abbreviations | some |
Non underlaid vocal text |
42r, 49v, 72v, 116v-120r, 133v-134r, in blank staves |
Liminary text | verte (folium) (cito): 11r, 37v-38r, 100r, 105v-106r, 108r, 125v-126r residuum: 11v, 93v, 100v, 109v composer named: 98v, 103v, 122v, 123v, 135v canon: 108v, 113v cannon instructions: 107v, 108v, 109v, 113v ut supra: 121v-122r duo: 132v-133r |
Text 3
Types of script | display script |
Types of script folios | 36r-38r, 49v-50v, 75r-111r |
Types of script note | enlarged rotonda script used for voice names |
Level of calligraphy | high |
Colour(s) of text | red |
Multiple texts | no |
Text repetitions | none |
Abbreviations | some |
Non underlaid vocal text | none |
Level of Decoration | fair |
Decoration initial type | Frequency | Folios | Initial type(s) | Size position | Description | Discrepancies |
initials planned | rarely | 111v, 120r-v, 131v | Staves indented: initials planned at page ruling stave, but text scribe copied full words, i.e. initials no longer planned at text copying stage. | |||
penned initials | often | 35v-36v, 49r-50v, 57v, 63r-111r, 123v-124r, 133v-138v | calligraphic , calligraphic with decoration, calligraphic with grotesque heads | one stave tall, start of each voice part. Notation and/or stave often indented on first line of page, initials further down the page are often placed in margin. | In brown ink, decorated with some red and yellow, now faded. | some initials missing, e.g. ff. 77v, 80v, 96r etc. |
initials planned | sometimes | 10v-35r, 37v-38v, 41v-45v, 51v-56v, 58v-62v, 116v-119r, 125v, 128v | Guide letters only | Cue letter in margin for discantus part, and/or first letter missing; no indentation (except 37v-38v). | 37v-38v: notation indented on stave for each voice | |
Other decoration frequency | Folios | Other decoration type(s) | Size position | Description | Discrepancies | |
often | decorative final long |