PRoMs - The Production and Reading of Music Sources

Mise-en-page in manuscripts and printed books containing polyphonic music, 1480—1530

Manuscript: Siena, Italy, Biblioteca Comunale degli Intronati, MS K. 1.2

Manuscript type: choirbook

RISM siglum: I-Sc K.I.2

DIAMM Source Key: 1502

Folio(s): 1-207

Date: c. 1500

Date '150ii' (1502) appears above list of singers on rear pastedown

Location of origin: Siena, Italy


1. Commissioned from Matheus Gay by Alberto Aringhieri from February 1481. Two originally separate collections bound together at an unknown date. 2. The present volume was removed from the cathedral at an unknown date (perhaps the eighteenth century), and placed in the library of the Sienese degli Intronati. D'Accone 1986.


Person: Gay, Matheus
Person type: scribe
Location of origin: France
Note: 'Gay began and completed his work in Siena between February and July 1481, and during the next few years a second copyist, whose identity is unknown, added substantially to the original nucleus' (<a href="/bibliography/#entry1002" data-tooltip="" class="has-tip tip-top reference" data-placement="top" rel="tooltip" data-original-title="" title="D'Accone, Frank A. (ed.), Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, MS Banco Rari 230 (olim Magi. XIX, 141), Renaissance Music in Facsimile, 4 (New York, 1986)"><i class="fa fa-book"></i>D'Accone 1986</a>, v; also D'Accone 1997, 234-241). This identification has been doubted by Rob Wegman and Joshua Rifkin, however.

Basis for description: original

Siena, Italy, Biblioteca Comunale degli Intronati, MS K. 1.2, 1-207

Physical description

Material: paper

Number of leaves: iii + 216

Format: upright

Page dimensions: 445 x 292

Quire structure: Text version

Index / Table of Contents: Early table of contents, f. iir-v, continued on 1r; up to f. 207.

Other devices: 1. Early red ink foliation recto top right, 1-136, continued in another early hand (the same who did the table of contents) 137-207, with lacunae as described in quire structure.
2. Quire signatures recto top right, 3 (= f. 20) - 13 (= 105), illegible under ff. 113 and 130, 18=137, 19=148, 20=156, 21=166, 22=176, 23=186 (overwritten by old foliation), 24=188, 25=199.
3. Quire signatures recto bottom right: letters and folio numbers. Very often trimmed off so no real conclusions possible.

Page details (zoom):

Preparation and Copying

All folios


Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking always,
pricking holes for the top line of each pair of staves (2, 4, 6, 8), in outer margins; none for top stave. Vertical bounding lines pricked at top and bottom
Ruled grid always,
single vertical bounding lines; no text lines
Ruling pattern highly regular
9 pentagrams, very parallel and even
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
hard point or lead point always
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
double and single rastra always double and single rastrum (1+2+2+2+2 from top to bottom)
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
single normally Stave 1, c. 30 mm. Music and text for lower voices indented over ruled staves, sometimes.
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
empty ruled staves on grid normally
Space provided for separate text Frequency Folios Note
not in dedicated space sometimes 29v; 46v; 47v; 48v; 49v; 51v; 53v; 54v; 56v; 57v; 58v; 86v; 87r; 96v; 97r; 153v; 169v; 182v; 188v; 189v; 190v; 191v; 205v; 206v; 207r 29v: text for stanzas 4 and 6 written out in full below the cantus part. 46v: text for stanzas 4 and 6 written out in full below the cantus part. 47v: text for stanzas 4 and 6 written out in full below the cantus part. 48v: text for stanza 4 written out in full below the cantus part. 49v: text for stanza 4 written out in full below the cantus part. 51v: text for stanza 4 written out in full below the cantus part. 53v: text for stanzas 4 and 6 written out in full below the cantus part. 54v: text for stanzas 4 and 6 written out in full below the cantus part 56v - i) text for stanzas 4 and 6 written out in full below the cantus part; ii) 'Amen' in the space between the second and third staves. 57v: text for stanzas 4 and 6 written out in full below the cantus part. 58v: text for stanzas 4 and 6 written out in full below the cantus part. 86v and 87r: “Sicut erat in principio / Super fecit potentiam” written in blank staves below cantus and altus parts. 96v-97r: text for stanzas 4 and 6 written out in full below the cantus part. Text for stanzas 2, 4, 6, and 7 from another hymn, Tristes errant Apostoli, written out in full below the altus part. 12?v: text provided for another stanza, Ab angelis. 153v - text (? as to kind) on second stave of upper voice part. 169v - multiple text underlay (Christe and Kyrie eleison). 182v - multiple texts (stave 8). 188v: text for stanzas 4 and 6 written out in full below the cantus part (underlaid and on blank stave). 189v: text for stanza 4 written out in full below the cantus part (underlaid). 190v: text for stanza 4 written out in full below the tenor part (underlaid). 191v: text for stanza 4 written out in full below the cantus part. Text for stanza 6 written out in full below the tenor part. 205v-207v: text for stanza 9 written out below the cantus and tenor parts (underlaid).
Adhoc adaptation Frequency Folios Note
notation and staves extended into margin often
made for complete additional staves rarely 187v-188r
partial additional staves rarely 192v, 193v
notation extended into margin often

Copying of text and music

Order of Copying music first
Presence/absence of text Voice part Frequency Folios Note
fully texted with one text all voice parts normally
Colour(s) of notation brown
Type(s) of notation void mensural
Type of notation note rounded rhomboid or teardrop shape, various (different scribes)
Monophonic notation present
1v, 3v, 5v, 7v, 9v, 12v, 13v, 15v, 17v, 18v, 20v, 24v, 26v, 30v, 32v, 34v, 35v, 37v, 39v, 41v, 61v, 199v, 200v, 201v, 203v, 204v.,
Mensural chant for the incipits of hymns.
Level of calligraphy fair
Non verbal performance instructions Folios Note
signes-de-renvoi 16v, 17v
pointers 203v
Types of script cursive (humanistic)
Level of calligraphy fair
Colour(s) of text brown
Multiple texts yes
52v; 188v; 189v; 190v; 205v-207v.,
52v: text for stanza 4 written out in full beneath the cantus part (underlaid). 188v: text for stanzas 4 and 6 written out in full beneath the cantus part (underlaid and on blank stave). 189v: text for stanza 4 written out in full beneath the cantus part (underlaid). 190v: text for stanza 4 written out in full beneath the tenor part (underlaid). 205v-207v: text for stanza 9 written out under the cantus and tenor parts (underlaid).
Non underlaid vocal text additional
29v; 46v; 47v; 48v; 49v; 51v; 52v; 53v; 54v; 56v; 57v; 58v; 86v; 87r; 96v; 97r; 12?v; 188v; 189v; 190v; 191v; 205v; 206v; 207r.,
29v: text for stanzas 4 and 6 written out in full beneath the cantus part. 46v: text for stanzas 4 and 6 written out in full beneath the cantus part. 47v: text for stanzas 4 and 6 written out in full beneath the cantus part. 48v: text for stanza 4 written out in full beneath the cantus part. 49v: text for stanza 4 written out in full beneath the cantus part. 51v: text for stanza 4 written out in full beneath the cantus part. 52v: text for stanza 4 written out in full beneath the cantus part (underlaid). 53v: text for stanzas 4 and 6 written out in full beneath the cantus part. 54v: text for stanzas 4 and 6 written out in full beneath the cantus part. 56v: text for stanzas 4 and 6 written out in full beneath the cantus part. 57v: text for stanzas 4 and 6 written out in full beneath the cantus part. 58v: text for stanzas 4 and 6 written out in full beneath the cantus part. 86v and 87r: “Sicut erat in principio / Super fecit potentiam” written in blank staves beneath cantus and altus parts. 96v-97r: text for stanzas 4 and 6 written out in full beneath the cantus part. Text for stanzas 2, 4, 6, and 7 from another hymn, Tristes errant Apostoli, written out in full below the altus part. 188v: text for stanzas 4 and 6 written out in full beneath the cantus part (underlaid and on blank stave). 189v: text for stanza 4 written out in full beneath the cantus part (underlaid). 190v: text for stanza 4 written out in full beneath the tenor part (underlaid). 191v: text for stanza 4 written out in full beneath the cantus part. Text for stanza 6 written out in full beneath the tenor part. 205v-207v: text for stanza 9 written out under the cantus and tenor parts (underlaid).


Level of Decoration very poor
Decoration initial type Frequency Folios Initial type(s) Size position Description Discrepancies
penned initials occasionally
initials planned normally