PRoMs - The Production and Reading of Music Sources

Mise-en-page in manuscripts and printed books containing polyphonic music, 1480—1530

Printed Work: Motetti A, Venice, Italy, 1502,

Source type: choirbook

RISM siglum: 1502/1

Folio(s): All

Date: "die 9 Madij Salutis anno 1502"

Second edition printed in 1504.

Location of origin: Venice, Italy

Publisher: Petrucci, Ottaviano


Person: Petrucci, Ottaviano
Person type: printer

Person: Petrucci, Ottaviano
Person type: publisher

Motetti A, Venice, Italy, 1502, , All

Physical description

Material: paper

Format: oblong

Page dimensions: 169 x 240

Quire structure: Text version

Title page / Frontispiece: None.

"Motetti.A.numero.trentatre" on two lines in Rotonda type, large woodcut initial 'A' in the middle of the page, same woodcut used as in Odhecaton A  


Index / Table of Contents: 1v: One column with 34 lines, contents listed alphabetically.

Colophon: 1502:
Impressum Uenetijs per Octauianum Petrutium Forosemproniensem die 9 Madij Salutis anno 1502 Cum priuilegio inuictissimi Dominij Uenetiarum quae nnllus possit cantum Figuratus Imprimere sub pena in ipso priuilegio contenta. Registrum ABCDEFG. Omnes quaterni.
[Petrucci's device]

Impressum Uenetijs per Octauianum Petrutium Forosemproniensem. Die 13 Februarij Salutis anno 1504. Cum priuilegio inuictissimi Dominij Uenetiarum: quae nullus possit cantum Figuratum imprimere sub pena in ipso priuilegio contenta. Registrum ABCDEFG Omnes quaterni.
[Petrucci's device]

1502: Impressum Uenetijs per Octauianum Petrutium Forosempronien sem die 9 Madij Salutis anno 1502 Cum priuilegio inuictissimi Dominij Uenetiarum quae nnllus possit cantum Figuratus Imprimere sub pena in ipso priuilegio contenta. Registrum ABCDEFG. Omnes quaterni.
[Petrucci's device]

Non-musical texts: None.

Other devices: Foliation in arabic numerals on the top-right of the recto above the staff.

Page details (zoom):

Preparation and Copying



Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking n/a
Ruled grid n/a
Ruling pattern highly regular
Staves omitted from grid n/a
Incomplete staves never
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
single always Staves never indented, stave lines and initials overlap.
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
empty ruled staves on grid occasionally Empty stave left between voice parts whenever space allows.
Space provided for separate text Frequency Folios Note
no separate text always

Copying of text and music

Order of Copying movable type, triple impression
Presence/absence of text Voice part Frequency Folios Note
untexted all voice parts rarely 2r
fully texted with one text all voice parts normally 2v–14r, 15v–16r, 19v–22r, 26v–31r, 34v–49r, 50v–55r
partially texted with one text discantus occasionally 14v, 16v-19r, 24v
provided with single incipit all voice parts often 22v-24r, 25r, 31v-34r, 49v-50r, 55v
Colour(s) of notation black
Type(s) of notation void mensural
Monophonic notation absent
Level of calligraphy n/a
Non verbal performance instructions Folios Note
signes-de-renvoi 34v–35r A double-cross at the end of a staff indicating a part continuing on the facing page.
signa congruentiae
Types of script rotonda
Types of script folios All
Level of calligraphy n/a
Multiple texts no
Text repetitions none
Abbreviations few
Non underlaid vocal text none
Liminary text Composer's name placed above and middle of the top staff of each piece (exception f. 55v, "Josquin" between staves 3 and 4);    Part names vertically on the left margin of the staves: 2v–14r, 15v–22r, 26v–49r, 50v–55r Tenor Altus Bassus 14v–15r Tenor Bassus 22v–24r, 24v–26r, 49v–50r, 55v Tenor Contra


Level of Decoration poor
Decoration initial type Frequency Folios Initial type(s) Size position Description Discrepancies
printed initials always A large decorative woodcut initial used in the title page (A), same as in Odhecaton A; Decorative woodcut initials in the beginning of the song at discantus.