PRoMs - The Production and Reading of Music Sources

Mise-en-page in manuscripts and printed books containing polyphonic music, 1480—1530

Printed Work: Févin: Misse, Fossombrone, Italy, 1515,

Source type: partbooks (complete set)

RISM siglum: F689

Date: "MDXV. Die xxii Novembris"

Location of origin: Fossombrone, Italy

Publisher: Petrucci, Ottaviano


Person: Petrucci, Ottaviano
Person type: printer
Location of origin: Fossombrone, Italy

Person: Petrucci, Ottaviano
Person type: publisher
Location of origin: Fossombrone, Italy

Févin: Misse, Fossombrone, Italy, 1515, , All folios

Physical description

Material: paper

Number of leaves: 58f. (D 16, T 12, A 16, B 14)

Format: oblong

Page dimensions: 174 x 235

Quire structure: Text version

Title page / Frontispiece: None.

D: "Misse Antonii de Feuin.| Sancta trinitas. | Mente tota. | Aue maria. | Le vilayn ialoys. Roberti de feuin. | Quarti toni. Pier zon.|" on large rotonda font.
All other partbooks: "FEVIN." on roman font with a woodcut initial T/A/B.


Index / Table of Contents: None.

Colophon: "Impressum Forosempronii per Octauianum Petrutium ciuem forosemproniensem. Anno | Domini MDXV. Die xxii Novembris. Dominante Inclito ac excellentissimo Principe Domino | Franciscomaria Feltrio de Ruere: Vrbini Duce: Pisauri & c. Domino Alme Vrbis prefecto. | Impressum cum priuilegio Leonis X.Pont.Max. ne quis infra XV. annos presens opus Im- | primere audeati terris ecclie i mediat vel mediate subiectis sub pena excommunicationis. | & alijs penis tam imprimentibus quam vendentibus impositis prout impriuilegio latius | contentur. [on a separate column on the right:] Registrum | A B C D E F G H. Omnes | quaterni praeter D qui est duer- | nus & H ternius."

 "Impressum Forosempronii per Octauianum Petrutium ciuem forosemproniensem. Anno | Dominu MDXV. Die xxii Novembris. Dominante Inclito ac excellentissimo Principe Domino | Franciscomaria Feltrio de Ruere: Vrbini Duce: Pisauri & c. Domino Alme Vrbis prefecto. | Impressum cum priuilegio Leonis X.Pont.Max. ne quis infra XV. annos presens opus Im- | primere audeati terris ecclie i mediat vel mediate subiectis sub pena excommunicationis. | & alijs penis tam imprimentibus quam vendentibus impositis prout impriuilegio latius | contentur. [on a separate column on the right:] Registrum | A B C D E F G H. Omnes | quaterni praeter D qui est duer- | nus & H ternius." 

Non-musical texts: None.

Other devices: No foliation or page numbering.

Part-name above the staves (top-left on verte, top-right on recto).

Page details (zoom):

Preparation and Copying



Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking n/a
Ruled grid n/a
Ruling pattern highly regular
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves rarely,
D 5r, 8r; T 5v; A 10r,13r; B 5r, 8r
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
black always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
single normally Staves never indented, stave lines and initials overlap.
double rarely T 6v, B 11v Staves never indented, stave lines and initials overlap.
Space provided for separate text Frequency Folios Note
no separate text always

Copying of text and music

Language(s) Latin
Order of Copying movable type, double impression
Presence/absence of text Voice part Frequency Folios Note
fully texted with one text all voice parts always
Colour(s) of notation black
Type(s) of notation void mensural
Monophonic notation absent
Level of calligraphy n/a
Non verbal performance instructions Folios Note
signa congruentiae
Types of script roman
Types of script size position Large rotonda font for the title page in D, Roman font for all other texts.
Level of calligraphy n/a
Colour(s) of text black
Multiple texts no
Text repetitions fairly many
Abbreviations few
Non underlaid vocal text none
Liminary text Mass title usually at the beginning of each mass, the placement depending on the space available, either on top of where "Kyrie" begins, or vertically in the margin. The title of the mass also as a header above and middle of the top margin. Composer's name appears occasionally alongside the first mass title. Verte -designations either vertically on the outer margin or horizontally on the stave space, depending on the space available.


Level of Decoration poor
Decoration initial type Frequency Folios Initial type(s) Size position Description Discrepancies
printed initials always woodcut, calligraphic style Three sizes of woodcut initials used at the start of each Mass movement: c.25 mm, c.18-20 mm and c.15 mm in height. c. 20 mm initials used also on the title pages of partbooks T, A , B.