PRoMs - The Production and Reading of Music Sources

Mise-en-page in manuscripts and printed books containing polyphonic music, 1480—1530

Manuscript: Berlin, Germany, Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz, MS Mus. 40021 (olim Z 21)

Manuscript type: choirbook

RISM siglum: D-B 40021

DIAMM Source Key: 1579

Image repositories: Digitale Sammlungen der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin

Folio(s): All folios

Date: c. 1485-1500

c. 1485-1500 (Just 1975); date [14]95 on f. 161. Complex fascicle structure; the various layers were copied separately over a period of approximately 15 years.

Location of origin: Halberstadt, Germany ; Leipzig, Germany ; Torgau, Germany


The exact place of origin of this choirbook has not yet been convincingly established. Just 1975 suggests Leipzig as the place of origin. Fétis discovered the manuscript in 1849 at the cathedral in Halberstadt, and it has been suggested as well that it originated there. Ehmann 1936, however, suggested that the manuscript was copied in Torgau, and later sent to Halberstadt. Probably held in Halberstadt until the 19th century. Acquired by the Preussische Staatsbibliothek from Butsch Antiquariat in Augsburg.


Just 1975, Just 1990/91

Basis for description: original

Berlin, Germany, Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz, MS Mus. 40021 (olim Z 21), All folios

Physical description

Material: paper

Number of leaves: iii + 295 + ii

Format: upright

Page dimensions: 315 x 215

Quire structure: Text version

Index / Table of Contents: Original index on inside front cover and f. 1. Compiled by scribe Just Y (the compiler and owner), ordered by genre: 'Offitia' / 'Muteti et alia' / 'Magnificat' / Cantica. hymni. sequentie'. Within genres in the order of appearance in the manuscript. Additions by later hands on two small leaflets now bound into the codex and a small pasteover on fol. iv (now detached).

Other devices: 1. Original foliation, brown ink top right: 1-9, 11-132, 134-265.
2. Modern foliation, supplementing the original one, pencil top right: 1a, 1b, 8/1-10/1, 223a, 266-294.

Page details (zoom):

Preparation and Copying



Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
single line to left and right, no lines for text
Ruling pattern highly regular
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
hard point always all
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
single always stave 1 indented, c. 20-35 mm. Even where no indented staves below, music and text indented by the same amount to accommodate initials and/or voice designations
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
left between voice parts as part of grid often
Space provided for separate text Frequency Folios Note
no separate text never

Copying of text and music

Language(s) German, Latin
Higlighting none
Order of Copying music first
Presence/absence of text Voice part Frequency Folios Note
fully texted with one text all voice parts normally
untexted all except tenor rarely 112v
fully texted with one text tenor rarely 112v
Colour(s) of notation brown
Type(s) of notation void mensural
Type of notation note teardrop-shaped notation
Monophonic notation absent
Level of calligraphy fair
Types of script cursive
Level of calligraphy poor
Colour(s) of text brown
Multiple texts no
Text repetitions fairly few
Abbreviations some
Non underlaid vocal text none
Liminary text Performance instructions, occasional
Later changes much of the text added later


Level of Decoration n/a
Decoration miniature frequency Folios Size position Description Discrepancies
Decoration initial type Frequency Folios Initial type(s) Size position Description Discrepancies
painted initials never
penned initials never
initials planned always


Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
single line to left and right, no lines for text
Ruling pattern highly regular
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
hard point always all
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
single always staves 1 and 6 normally indented, c. 25-30 mm; rarely other staves indented (depending on voice disposition)
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
left between voice parts as part of grid often
Space provided for separate text Frequency Folios Note
no separate text never
Adhoc adaptation Frequency Folios Note
other sometimes Indent sometimes filled in when voice disposition differs from standard DT|AB
notation and staves extended into margin sometimes staves extended into margin to accommodate notation
made for complete additional staves n/a 16v extra stave at bottom, hand-drawn

Copying of text and music

Language(s) Latin
Higlighting none
Order of Copying music first
Presence/absence of text Voice part Frequency Folios Note
fully texted with one text all voice parts sometimes
fully texted with one text discantus often
provided with one or two incipits all except discantus sometimes
untexted all except discantus occasionally
provided with single incipit contratenor rarely
untexted all voice parts rarely
Colour(s) of notation brown
Type(s) of notation void mensural
Type of notation note teardrop-shaped notation
Monophonic notation absent
Level of calligraphy fair
Later changes Folios
later addition of extra piece 16v
Types of script cursive (German)
Level of calligraphy poor
Colour(s) of text brown
Multiple texts no
Text repetitions none
Abbreviations very many
Non underlaid vocal text none
Liminary text Performance instructions, occasionally


Level of Decoration very poor
Decoration initial type Frequency Folios Initial type(s) Size position Description Discrepancies
initials planned always


Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
single line to left and right, no lines for text
Ruling pattern highly regular
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
hard point always all
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
single normally staves 1 and 6 normally indented, c. 25-30 mm. Even where no indented staves, music and text indented by the same amount to accommodate initials and/or voice designations
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
left between voice parts as part of grid often
Space provided for separate text Frequency Folios Note
no separate text never
Adhoc adaptation Frequency Folios Note
other sometimes indent sometimes filled in when voice disposition differs from standard DT|AB
notation and staves extended into margin rarely staves extended into margin to accommodate notation

Copying of text and music

Language(s) Latin
Higlighting none
Order of Copying music first
Presence/absence of text Voice part Frequency Folios Note
untexted all except discantus and tenor occasionally
fully texted with one text discantus occasionally
untexted all except discantus occasionally
provided with single incipit all except discantus rarely
provided with single incipit discantus rarely
untexted all voice parts rarely
fully texted with one text discantus and tenor occasionally
fully texted with one text all voice parts sometimes
fully texted with one text tenor occasionally
untexted all except tenor occasionally
fully texted with one text discantus and altus sometimes
untexted all except discantus and altus rarely
provided with single incipit all except discantus and altus rarely
Colour(s) of notation brown
Colour of notation folios all
Type(s) of notation void mensural
Type of notation folios all
Type of notation note teardrop-shaped notation
Monophonic notation absent
Level of calligraphy fair
Types of script cursive (German)
Level of calligraphy poor
Colour(s) of text brown
Multiple texts no
Text repetitions none
Abbreviations many
Non underlaid vocal text none
Liminary text Performance instructions, occasional


Level of Decoration very poor
Decoration miniature frequency Folios Size position Description Discrepancies
Decoration initial type Frequency Folios Initial type(s) Size position Description Discrepancies
painted initials never
penned initials never
initials planned always


Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
single line to left and right, no lines for text
Ruling pattern highly regular
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
hard point always
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
black always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
single normally staves 1 and 6 normally indented, c. 20-35 mm. Even where no indented staves, music and text indented by the same amount to accommodate initials and/or voice designations
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
left between voice parts as part of grid normally
Space provided for separate text Frequency Folios Note
no separate text never
Adhoc adaptation Frequency Folios Note
other sometimes indent sometimes filled in when voice disposition differs from standard DT|AB
notation and staves extended into margin rarely staves extended into margin to accommodate notation
partial additional staves n/a 143r, 149v partial extra staves at bottom

Copying of text and music

Language(s) German, Latin
Higlighting none
Order of Copying music first
Presence/absence of text Voice part Frequency Folios Note
fully texted with one text discantus normally
provided with single incipit all except discantus sometimes
provided with single incipit all except discantus and tenor sometimes
untexted tenor sometimes
untexted all except discantus rarely
untexted all except tenor rarely
provided with single incipit tenor rarely
untexted all voice parts occasionally
fully texted with one text all except altus rarely
fully texted with one text all voice parts rarely
untexted altus rarely
Colour(s) of notation black
Type(s) of notation void mensural
Type of notation note teardrop-shaped notation
Monophonic notation absent
Level of calligraphy fair
Types of script cursive (German)
Level of calligraphy poor
Colour(s) of text black
Multiple texts yes
multiple strophes for hymns under music
Text repetitions none
Abbreviations many
Non underlaid vocal text none
Liminary text Performance instructions, occasional


Level of Decoration poor
Decoration miniature frequency Folios Size position Description Discrepancies
Decoration initial type Frequency Folios Initial type(s) Size position Description Discrepancies
initials planned normally
penned initials occasionally


Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
single line to left and right, no lines for text
Ruling pattern highly regular
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
hard point always all
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
single normally staves 1 and 6 normally indented, c. 20-35 mm. Even where no indented staves, music and text indented by the same amount to accommodate initials and/or voice designations
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
left between voice parts as part of grid sometimes
Space provided for separate text Frequency Folios Note
no separate text never
Adhoc adaptation Frequency Folios Note
notation and staves extended into margin sometimes staves extended into margin to accommodate notation
made for complete additional staves n/a 151v extra stave at bottom, hand-drawn"
other sometimes Indent sometimes filled in when voice disposition differs from standard DT|AB

Copying of text and music

Language(s) Latin
Higlighting none
Order of Copying music first
Presence/absence of text Voice part Frequency Folios Note
provided with single incipit discantus occasionally
untexted all except discantus occasionally
provided with single incipit all voice parts occasionally
fully texted with one text all except tenor sometimes
partially texted with one text tenor sometimes
fully texted with one text tenor rarely
untexted all except tenor rarely
fully texted with one text altus rarely
fully texted with one text discantus and bassus rarely
provided with single incipit all except discantus and bassus rarely
Colour(s) of notation brown
Type(s) of notation void mensural
Type of notation folios all
Type of notation note teardrop-shaped notation
Monophonic notation absent
Level of calligraphy fair
Types of script cursive (German)
Level of calligraphy poor
Colour(s) of text brown
Multiple texts yes
multiple strophes for hymns under music
Text repetitions none
Abbreviations some
Non underlaid vocal text none
Liminary text Performance instructions, occasional


Level of Decoration very poor


Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
single line to left and right, no lines for text
Ruling pattern fairly regular
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
hard point always all
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
black always all
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
single normally staves 1 and 5 normally indented, c. 20-30 mm. Even where no indented staves, music and text indented by the same amount to accommodate initials and/or voice designations
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
left between voice parts as part of grid sometimes
left below voice parts as part of grid sometimes
Space provided for separate text Frequency Folios Note
no separate text never
Adhoc adaptation Frequency Folios Note
other sometimes indent sometimes filled in when voice disposition differs from standard DT|AB
notation and staves extended into margin sometimes staves extended into margin to accommodate notation

Copying of text and music

Language(s) Latin
Higlighting none
Order of Copying music first
Presence/absence of text Voice part Frequency Folios Note
fully texted with one text all voice parts occasionally
fully texted with one text discantus and tenor often
untexted all except discantus and tenor occasionally
provided with one or two incipits all except discantus and tenor sometimes
fully texted with one text discantus sometimes
untexted all except discantus sometimes
fully texted with one text discantus and altus rarely
untexted all except discantus and altus rarely
Colour(s) of notation black
Colour of notation folios all
Type(s) of notation void mensural
Type of notation folios all
Type of notation note teardrop-shaped notation
Monophonic notation absent
Level of calligraphy fair
Types of script cursive (German)
Level of calligraphy poor
Colour(s) of text black
Multiple texts no
Text repetitions none
Abbreviations some
Non underlaid vocal text none
Liminary text Performance instructions, occasional; voice designations very prominent at beginnings of voice parts


Level of Decoration poor
Decoration miniature frequency Folios Size position Description Discrepancies
Decoration initial type Frequency Folios Initial type(s) Size position Description Discrepancies
penned initials always calligraphic cadels for initials of sung text or voice designation, very bold strokes, ornate, with some internal penwork. Smaller cadels for sections, also on gaps within staves


Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
single line to left and right, no lines for text
Ruling pattern highly regular
10 pentagrams, ruled freehand, sometimes uneven, not parallel, slightly varying in distance
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
hard point always all
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
single always stave 1 indented, c. 25-35 mm. Normally one other stave indented according to the voice disposition of the music. Sometime where no indented staves, music and text indented by the same amount to accommodate initials and/or voice designations
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
left between voice parts as part of grid sometimes
Space provided for separate text Frequency Folios Note
no separate text never
Adhoc adaptation Frequency Folios Note
other sometimes indent sometimes filled in when voice disposition differs from standard DT|AB
notation and staves extended into margin sometimes staves extended into margin to accommodate notation
partial additional staves n/a 183r partial extra stave at bottom

Copying of text and music

Language(s) Latin
Higlighting none
Order of Copying music first
Presence/absence of text Voice part Frequency Folios Note
varies all voice parts always
Colour(s) of notation brown
Colour of notation folios all
Type(s) of notation void mensural
Type of notation folios all
Type of notation note round shape somewhat pointed at top, small noteheads (especially semiminims), straight long stems as continuation of notehead, slightly sloping backwards
Monophonic notation absent
Level of calligraphy fair
Level of calligraphy note medium
Types of script cursive
Types of script note German
Level of calligraphy poor,
Colour(s) of text brown
Multiple texts no
Text repetitions none
Abbreviations some
Non underlaid vocal text none
Liminary text Performance instructions, occasional; voice designations very prominent at beginnings of voice parts


Level of Decoration n/a
Decoration initial type Frequency Folios Initial type(s) Size position Description Discrepancies
initials planned always


Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
single line to left and right, no lines for text
Ruling pattern highly regular
11 pentagrams, ruled freehand, sometimes uneven, not parallel, slightly varying in distance
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
hard point always all
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
single always stave 1 indented, c. 20-35 mm. Even where no indented staves below, music and text indented by the same amount to accommodate initials and/or voice designations
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
left between voice parts as part of grid sometimes
Space provided for separate text Frequency Folios Note
no separate text never
Adhoc adaptation Frequency Folios Note
notation and staves extended into margin sometimes staves extended into margin to accommodate notation
made for complete additional staves n/a 189r extra stave at bottom of fol. 189r

Copying of text and music

Language(s) Latin
Higlighting none
Order of Copying music first
Presence/absence of text Voice part Frequency Folios Note
varies all voice parts always
Colour(s) of notation brown
Colour of notation folios all
Type(s) of notation void mensural
Type of notation folios all
Type of notation note round shape somewhat pointed at top, small noteheads (especially semiminims), straight stems as continuation of notehead, slightly sloping forwards
Monophonic notation absent
Level of calligraphy fair
Level of calligraphy note medium
Types of script cursive
Types of script note German
Level of calligraphy poor,
Colour(s) of text brown
Multiple texts no
Text repetitions none
Abbreviations some
Non underlaid vocal text none
Liminary text Performance instructions, occasional


Level of Decoration n/a
Decoration initial type Frequency Folios Initial type(s) Size position Description Discrepancies
initials planned always


Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
single line to left and right, no lines for text
Ruling pattern highly regular
11 pentagrams, ruled freehand, sometimes uneven, not parallel, varying in distance
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
hard point always all
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
single always stave 1 indented, c. 20-35 mm. Even where no indented staves below, music and text indented by the same amount to accommodate initials and/or voice designations
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
left between voice parts as part of grid often
Space provided for separate text Frequency Folios Note
no separate text never
Adhoc adaptation Frequency Folios Note
notation and staves extended into margin rarely staves extended into margin to accommodate notation
partial additional staves n/a 198v partial extra stave at bottom of fol. 198v

Copying of text and music

Language(s) Latin
Higlighting none
Order of Copying music first
Presence/absence of text Voice part Frequency Folios Note
varies all voice parts always
Colour(s) of notation brown
Colour of notation folios all
Type(s) of notation void mensural
Type of notation note round shape somewhat pointed at top, small noteheads (especially semiminims), straight stems as continuation of notehead, slightly sloping forwards
Monophonic notation absent
Level of calligraphy fair
Level of calligraphy note medium
Types of script cursive
Types of script note German
Level of calligraphy poor,
Colour(s) of text brown
Multiple texts no
Text repetitions none
Abbreviations some
Non underlaid vocal text none


Level of Decoration poor
Decoration initial type Frequency Folios Initial type(s) Size position Description Discrepancies
initials planned always
Other decoration frequency Folios Other decoration type(s) Size position Description Discrepancies
sometimes elongated and decorated final longs
212-213, 222-223


Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
single line to left and right, no lines for text
Ruling pattern highly regular
10 pentagrams, ruled freehand, quite even
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
hard point always all
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
single always stave 1 indented, c. 20-30 mm. Even where no indented staves below, music and text indented by the same amount to accommodate initials and/or voice designations
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
left between voice parts as part of grid sometimes
Space provided for separate text Frequency Folios Note
no separate text never
Adhoc adaptation Frequency Folios Note
notation and staves extended into margin rarely staves extended into margin to accommodate notation
other n/a 223 entire leaf pasted on to fol. 223, creating one page with exceptionally long lines (350 mm)

Copying of text and music

Language(s) German, Latin
Higlighting none
Order of Copying music first
Presence/absence of text Voice part Frequency Folios Note
varies all voice parts always


Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
Ruling pattern highly regular
9 pentagrams, ruled freehand, quite even
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
n/a never
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
none never No indents. Music and text indented over ruled staves to accommodate initials and/or voice designations
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
left between voice parts as part of grid often
Space provided for separate text Frequency Folios Note
no separate text never
Adhoc adaptation Frequency Folios Note
made for complete additional staves n/a 218v-219r, 220v extra staves at bottom of ff. 218v-219r, 220v

Copying of text and music

Language(s) Latin


Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
single line to left and right, no lines for text
Ruling pattern highly regular
10 pentagrams, ruled freehand, sometimes uneven, not parallel, varying in distance
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
hard point always all
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
single always stave 1 indented, c. 20-30 mm. Even where no indented staves below, music and text indented by the same amount to accommodate initials and/or voice designations
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
left between voice parts as part of grid often
Space provided for separate text Frequency Folios Note
no separate text never
Adhoc adaptation Frequency Folios Note
notation and staves extended into margin sometimes staves extended into margin to accommodate notation
partial additional staves n/a 225r, 234v partial extra staves at bottom of fol. 225r, 234v

Copying of text and music



Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
single line to left and right, no lines for text
Ruling pattern highly regular
9 pentagrams, ruled freehand, sometimes uneven, not parallel, slightly varying in distance
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
hard point always all
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
single rarely no indented staves (except fol. 23r), music and text rarely indented over 1 stave to accommodate initial
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
left between voice parts as part of grid sometimes tbc
Space provided for separate text Frequency Folios Note
no separate text never
Adhoc adaptation Frequency Folios Note
notation and staves extended into margin sometimes staves extended into margin to accommodate notation
made for complete additional staves n/a 27r, 29r-30v extra staves at bottom

Copying of text and music

Language(s) French, Latin
Higlighting none
Order of Copying music first
Presence/absence of text Voice part Frequency Folios Note
varies all voice parts always
Colour(s) of notation brown
Colour of notation folios all
Type(s) of notation void mensural
Type of notation folios all
Type of notation note round shape somewhat pointed at top and sometimes at bottom, straight long stems as continuation of notehead or separate, very slightly sloping backwards. 29v onwards different
Monophonic notation absent
Level of calligraphy fair
Level of calligraphy note medium
Types of script cursive
Types of script note German
Level of calligraphy poor,
Colour(s) of text brown
Text repetitions none
Abbreviations few
Non underlaid vocal text none
Liminary text Performance instructions, occasional; voice designations normally in large display script below the music


Level of Decoration very poor
Decoration miniature frequency Folios Size position Description Discrepancies
Decoration initial type Frequency Folios Initial type(s) Size position Description Discrepancies
painted initials never
penned initials rarely cadels
initials planned normally


Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
single line to left and right, no lines for text
Ruling pattern highly regular
11 pentagrams, ruled freehand, sometimes uneven, not parallel, slightly varying in distance
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
hard point always all
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
single always stave 1 indented, c. 20-30 mm. Even where no indented staves below, music and text indented by the same amount to accommodate initials and/or voice designations
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
left between voice parts as part of grid often
Space provided for separate text Frequency Folios Note
no separate text never


Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
single line to left and right, no lines for text
Ruling pattern highly regular
11 pentagrams, ruled freehand, sometimes uneven, not parallel, slightly varying in distance
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
n/a never all
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always all
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
single always stave 1 indented, c. 15-20 mm. Even where no indented staves below, music and text indented by the same amount to accommodate initials and/or voice designations
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
left between voice parts as part of grid often
Space provided for separate text Frequency Folios Note
no separate text never


Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
single line inside, outside trimmed off; no lines for text
Ruling pattern highly regular
12 pentagrams, ruled freehand, very uneven
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
hard point always all
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always all
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
none never
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
left between voice parts as part of grid often
Space provided for separate text Frequency Folios Note
no separate text never


Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
single line inside, outside trimmed off; no lines for text
Ruling pattern highly regular
12 pentagrams, ruled freehand, sometimes uneven, not parallel, slightly varying in distance
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
hard point always all
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
none never No indents. Music and text very slightly indented over ruled staves to accommodate initials and/or voice designations
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
left between voice parts as part of grid sometimes


Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
single line to left and right, no lines for text
Ruling pattern highly regular
9 pentagrams, ruled freehand, quite even
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
hard point always all
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
single always stave 1 indented, c. 30 mm. Even where no indented staves below, music and text indented by the same amount to accommodate initials and/or voice designations
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
left between voice parts as part of grid often
Adhoc adaptation Frequency Folios Note
made for complete additional staves n/a 257ar two staves added at bottom of fol. 257ar


Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
single line to left and right, top line of every pentagram drawn all the way across the page, no lines for text
Ruling pattern highly regular
10 pentagrams, ruled freehand, sometimes uneven, not parallel, varying in distance
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
light brown ink always all
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
straightedge always pen and straightedge
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
none never
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
none never


Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
single line to left and right, no lines for text
Ruling pattern highly regular
12 pentagrams, ruled freehand, sometimes uneven, not parallel, varying in distance
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
hard point always all
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
single always staves 1 and 7 indented, c. 10-15 mm. On fol. 263v stave 7 filled in
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
none never


Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
single line to left and right, no lines for text
Ruling pattern highly regular
10 pentagrams, ruled freehand, sometimes uneven, not parallel, varying in distance
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
hard point always all
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
none never No indents. Music and text indented over ruled staves to accommodate initials and/or voice designations


Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
none visible
Ruling pattern highly regular
12-13 pentagrams, ruled freehand, sometimes uneven, not parallel, varying in distance
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
n/a never
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
none never No indents. Music and text indented over ruled staves to accommodate initials and/or voice designations
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
none never


Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
single line to left and right, no lines for text
Ruling pattern highly regular
9 pentagrams, ruled freehand, sometimes uneven, not parallel, slightly varying in distance
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
hard point always all
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
none never
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
left between voice parts as part of grid often
Space provided for separate text Frequency Folios Note
no separate text never
Adhoc adaptation Frequency Folios Note
notation and staves extended into margin sometimes staves extended into margin to accommodate notation
made for complete additional staves n/a 47r (partial), 51v-53r extra staves (mostly hand-drawn) at bottom

Copying of text and music

Language(s) Latin
Higlighting none


Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
single line to left and right, no lines for text
Ruling pattern highly regular
8-11 pentagrams, ruled freehand, sometimes uneven, not parallel, slightly varying in distance
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
lead point always all
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
varies always
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
left between voice parts as part of grid sometimes
Space provided for separate text Frequency Folios Note
no separate text never
Adhoc adaptation Frequency Folios Note
notation and staves extended into margin sometimes staves extended into margin to accommodate notation

Copying of text and music

Language(s) French, Latin
Higlighting none


Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
single line to left and right, no lines for text
Ruling pattern highly regular
10 pentagrams, ruled freehand, quite even
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
hard point always
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
single normally staves 1 and 6 normally indented, c. 20-25 mm. Even where no indented staves, music and text indented by the same amount to accommodate initials and/or voice designations
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
left between voice parts as part of grid often
Space provided for separate text Frequency Folios Note
no separate text never
Adhoc adaptation Frequency Folios Note
notation and staves extended into margin rarely staves extended into margin to accommodate notation

Copying of text and music

Language(s) Latin
Higlighting none


Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
single line to left and right, no lines for text
Ruling pattern highly regular
9 pentagrams, ruled freehand, sometimes uneven, not parallel, slightly varying in distance
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
hard point always all
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
single normally staves 1 and 5 normally indented, c. 20-25 mm. Even where no indented staves, music and text indented by the same amount to accommodate initials and/or voice designations
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
left between voice parts as part of grid often
Space provided for separate text Frequency Folios Note
no separate text never
Adhoc adaptation Frequency Folios Note
notation and staves extended into margin sometimes staves extended into margin to accommodate notation

Copying of text and music

Language(s) Latin
Higlighting none


Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
single line to left and right, no lines for text
Ruling pattern highly regular
12 pentagrams, ruled freehand, sometimes uneven, not parallel, slightly varying in distance
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
lead point always all
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
none never no indented staves, music and text sometimes slightly indented over 1 stave to accommodate voice designation
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
none never
Space provided for separate text Frequency Folios Note
provided, in dedicated space sometimes over rastra
Adhoc adaptation Frequency Folios Note
notation and staves extended into margin sometimes staves extended into margin to accommodate notation

Copying of text and music

Language(s) Latin
Higlighting none
Order of Copying music first
Presence/absence of text Voice part Frequency Folios Note
varies all voice parts always
Colour(s) of notation brown
Colour of notation folios all
Type(s) of notation void mensural
Type of notation folios all
Type of notation note round shape somewhat pointed at top, small noteheads (especially semiminims), straight long stems as continuation of notehead, slightly sloping backwards
Monophonic notation absent
Level of calligraphy fair
Level of calligraphy note medium
Types of script cursive
Types of script note German
Level of calligraphy poor,
Colour(s) of text brown
Text repetitions none
Abbreviations very many
Non underlaid vocal text none
Liminary text fol. 8/1r, 9/1r, bottom of page - ?
Later changes Mass ordinary text added by later hand (Y?)


Level of Decoration n/a
Decoration initial type Frequency Folios Initial type(s) Size position Description Discrepancies
initials planned always


Disposition of Voice Parts Key

Pricking never
Ruled grid always,
single line to left and right, no lines for text
Ruling pattern highly regular
10 pentagrams, ruled freehand, sometimes uneven, not parallel, slightly varying in distance
Staves omitted from grid never
Incomplete staves never
Medium and colour of grid Frequency Folios Note
hard point always all
Colour of staves Frequency Folios Note
brown always
Ruling medium Frequency Folios Note
single rastrum always
Indentation for initials Frequency Folios Note
single always stave 1 and 6 indented (ff. 93-96 only 1), c. 25-35 mm. Even where no indented staves, music and text indented by the same amount to accommodate initials and/or voice designations
Extra space between voice parts Frequency Folios Note
left between voice parts as part of grid often
Space provided for separate text Frequency Folios Note
no separate text never
Adhoc adaptation Frequency Folios Note
notation and staves extended into margin rarely staves extended into margin to accommodate notation

Copying of text and music

Language(s) Latin
Higlighting none
Order of Copying music first
Presence/absence of text Voice part Frequency Folios Note
varies all voice parts always
Colour(s) of notation brown
Colour of notation folios all
Type(s) of notation void mensural
Type of notation folios all
Type of notation note ff. 87r-92r almost rhomboid, bent forwards and with short to medium-length thick stems to the right of the notehead (Just D); rest mostly round, stems bent forward (Just X)
Monophonic notation absent
Level of calligraphy poor
Level of calligraphy note low to medium; 87-92 high
Types of script cursive
Types of script note German
Level of calligraphy poor,
Colour(s) of text brown
Multiple texts yes
91v-92r, 95v-102r,
multiple strophes for hymns under music
Text repetitions none
Abbreviations some
Non underlaid vocal text none
Liminary text Performance instructions, occasional
Later changes much of the text added later


Level of Decoration poor
Decoration miniature frequency Folios Size position Description Discrepancies
Decoration initial type Frequency Folios Initial type(s) Size position Description Discrepancies
painted initials never
penned initials occasionally
initials planned normally