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Type of notation: void mensural
Indentation for initials: none
Number of staves: 3
Colour of staves: black
Number of staves: 5
Search results
- Brussels, Belgium, Bibliothèque Royal Albert 1er/Koninklijke Bibliotheek Albert I, MS II.270, c. 1500, 121-144
- London, Great Britain, British Library, MS Additional 31922, c. 1510-20, All folios
- Munich, Germany, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Musica MS 25 (olim H.C.51; = MaiM 69), c. 1520-4, All folios
- Munich, Germany, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Musica MS 31 (olim H.C.30; = MaiM 71), c. 1510, All folios
- Munich, Germany, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Musica MS 35 (olim H.C. 24; = MaiM 62), c. 1510-31, All folios
- Munich, Germany, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Musica MS 37 (olim H.C.20; = MaiM 60), c. 1510-31, All folios
- Munich, Germany, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Musica MS 39 (olim H.C.41; = MaiM 64), c. 1505-15, All folios
- Köln, Germany, Historisches Archiv der Stadt, MS Wallraf (Best. 7010) 75, Early 16th century, All folios