PRoMs - The Production and Reading of Music Sources

Mise-en-page in manuscripts and printed books containing polyphonic music, 1480—1530
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  1. Basel, Switzerland, Öffentliche Bibliothek der Universität, MS F IX 25 a-d, 1500-1510, All folios

  2. Basel, Switzerland, Öffentliche Bibliothek der Universität, MS F IX 25 e-f , 1500-1510, All folios

  3. Basel, Switzerland, Öffentliche Bibliothek der Universität, MS F IX 25 g, 1500-1510, All folios

  4. Basel, Switzerland, Öffentliche Bibliothek der Universität, MS F VI 26 e, First quarter of the 16th century,

  5. Bologna, Italy, Museo internazionale e biblioteca della musica di Bologna, MS Q 18 (olim 143), Early 16th century, All folios

  6. Florence, Italy, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, MS Magliabechi XIX.107bis, 1510-1513, All folios

  7. Florence, Italy, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, MS Magliabechi XIX.117, c. 1505-1515, All folios

  8. Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, Muzeum Východních Čech, Knihovna, MS Hr-25 (II A 20) (olim 8705), First half of the 16th century, All folios

  9. London, Great Britain, British Library, MS Additional 31922, c. 1510-20, All folios

  10. Paris, France, Bibliothèque Nationale, fonds français MS 1597 (olim Colbert 1625), c. 1500, All folios

  11. Seville, Spain, Biblioteca Capitular y Colombina, MS 5-1-43 (olim Z Tab. 135, N.° 33), c. 1470-85, All folios

  12. Cape Town, South Africa, National Library of South Africa, MS Grey 3.b.12, Before 1506, All folios

  13. Obrecht: Misse, Venice, Italy, 1503, , "1503 die 24 Martii", All

  14. Agricola: Misse, Venice, Italy, 1504, , "1504 die 23 Martij.",

  15. Ghiselin: Misse, Venice, Italy, 1503, , "1503 die 15 Julij.",

  16. La Rue: Misse, Venice, Italy, 1503, , "1503 die 31 Octobris",

  17. Isaac: Misse, Venice, Italy, 1506, , "1506.Die.xx. Octobris", All