PRoMs - The Production and Reading of Music Sources

Mise-en-page in manuscripts and printed books containing polyphonic music, 1480—1530
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  1. Bologna, Italy, Museo internazionale e biblioteca della musica di Bologna, MS Q 16 (olim 109), 1487-1510, All folios

  2. Florence, Italy, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, MS II.I.232 (olim Magliabechi XIX.58), c. 1515-1521, All folios

  3. Florence, Italy, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, MS II.I.350 (olim Magliabechi XXXVI. 113), 1514-1521, All folios

  4. Florence, Italy, Conservatorio di Musica Luigi Cherubini, MS Basevi 2441, 1510-1515, All folios

  5. Florence, Italy, Conservatorio di Musica Luigi Cherubini, MS Basevi 2442, First half of the 16th century, probably c. 1527, Cantus partbook, all folios

  6. Jena, Germany, Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, MS 30, 1496-1497, All folios

  7. Jena, Germany, Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, MS 33, 1495-1520, All folios

  8. Naples, Italy, Biblioteca Nazionale, MS VI E 40, 1470s, All folios

  9. Paris, France, Bibliothèque Nationale, fonds du conservatoire MS Rés. 862, c. 1503-5, 73-88

  10. Paris, France, Bibliothèque Nationale, nouvelles acquisitions françaises MS 4379, c. 1470-85, 1-42

  11. Florence, Italy, Conservatorio di Musica Luigi Cherubini, MS Basevi 2442, First half of the 16th century, probably c. 1527, Tenor partbook, all folios

  12. Florence, Italy, Conservatorio di Musica Luigi Cherubini, MS Basevi 2442, First half of the 16th century, probably c. 1527, Altus partbook, all folios