PRoMs - The Production and Reading of Music Sources

Mise-en-page in manuscripts and printed books containing polyphonic music, 1480—1530
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  1. Bologna, Italy, Museo internazionale e biblioteca della musica di Bologna, MS Q 132, First half of 16th century, all

  2. Bologna, Italy, Museo internazionale e biblioteca della musica di Bologna, MS Q 19, c. 1518, All folios

  3. Edinburgh, Great Britain, National Library of Scotland, MS Adv. 5.1.15, c. 1501-1546, All folios

  4. Modena, Italy, Archivio Storico Diocesano di Modena-Nonantola, MS Mus. IX, c. 1520-30, All folios

  5. Munich, Germany, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Musica MS 38 (olim H.C.47; = MaiM 59), c. 1510-31, All folios

  6. Perugia, Italy, Biblioteca Comunale Augusta, MS 3314 (I.M. 1079 (1-3)), First half of 16th century, All folios

  7. Regensburg, Germany, Bischöfliche Zentralbibliothek, MS C 120 (olim D XII), Early 1520s, All folios

  8. Rome, Italy, Biblioteca Casanatense, MS 2856 (olim O.V. 208), c. 1479-81, All folios

  9. Casale Monferrato, Italy, Archivio Capitolare, Fondo Musicale 4 (olim D(F)), , All folios

  10. Casale Monferrato, Italy, Archivio Capitolare, Fondo Musicale 3 (olim P(E)), , All folios

  11. London, Great Britain, British Library, MS Royal Appendix 45-48, c. 1530, Organ partbook (App. 48), all folios

  12. Bologna, Italy, Archivio Musicale di S Petronio, MS A. XXX (olim L), first half of 16th century, All folios

  13. Regensburg, Germany, Bischöfliche Zentralbibliothek, MS C 98, second quarter of the 16th century, All folios

  14. St Gall, Switzerland, Stiftsbibliothek, MS 463, c. 1540 or slightly later, All folios