PRoMs - The Production and Reading of Music Sources

Mise-en-page in manuscripts and printed books containing polyphonic music, 1480—1530
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  1. Barcelona, Spain, Biblioteca Orfeó Català, MS 5 (olim 12-VI-12), 1490-1510, All folios

  2. Berlin, Germany, Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz, MS Mus. 40021 (olim Z 21), c. 1485-1500, All folios

  3. Brussels, Belgium, Bibliothèque Royal Albert 1er/Koninklijke Bibliotheek Albert I, MS IV.90, 1511, Discantus partbook (All folios)

  4. Cambridge, Great Britain, Magdalene College, MS Pepys 1760, c. 1509-c. 1514, All folios

  5. Casale Monferrato, Italy, Archivio Capitolare, Fondo Musicale 1 (olim M(D)), 16th century, All folios

  6. Florence, Italy, Biblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana, MS Acquisti e doni 666, 1518, All folios

  7. Florence, Italy, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, MS Banco Rari 337 (olim Palatino 1178), c. 1520, All folios

  8. Florence, Italy, Biblioteca Riccardiana, MS 2356, c. 1480-1485, All folios

  9. Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, Muzeum Východních Čech, Knihovna, MS Hr-26 (II A 21) (olim 8707), First half of 16th century, All folios

  10. Lisbon, Portugal, Biblioteca Nacional, Colecção Dr. Ivo Cruz. MS 60, First half of 16th century, All folios

  11. London, Great Britain, British Library, MS Royal 20 A. xvi, c. 1480-90, All folios

  12. Madrid, Spain, Palacio Real, Biblioteca, MS II/1335, c. 1505-20, All folios

  13. Montecassino, Italy, Biblioteca dell'Abbazia, MS 871, late 15th century, pp. 247-434

  14. Paris, France, Bibliothèque Nationale, fonds français MS 15123 (olim Suppl. Fr. 2637), c.1480-4, All folios

  15. Paris, France, Bibliothèque Nationale, fonds français MS 1597 (olim Colbert 1625), c. 1500, All folios

  16. Paris, France, Bibliothèque Nationale, fonds latin MS 16664 (olim Sorbonne 1479), Late 15th century, All folios

  17. Paris, France, Bibliothèque Nationale, nouvelles acquisitions françaises MS 4379, c. 1470-85, 1-42

  18. Paris, France, Bibliothèque Nationale, nouvelles acquisitions françaises MS 1817, c. 1514-23, All folios

  19. Brussels, Belgium, Bibliothèque Royal Albert 1er/Koninklijke Bibliotheek Albert I, MS IV.1274, , Altus partbook (All folios)

  20. Regensburg, Germany, Bischöfliche Zentralbibliothek, MS C 98, second quarter of the 16th century, All folios