PRoMs - The Production and Reading of Music Sources

Mise-en-page in manuscripts and printed books containing polyphonic music, 1480—1530
Locations of Origin
Production method
Physical type
Size (height in mm)
Size of Music Text Area
Height of Staves
Colour of Staves
Ruling Medium
Number of staves
Disposition of Voice Parts
Indentation for Initials
Extra Space Between Voice Parts
Space Provided for Separate Text
Adhoc Adaptation
Copying of Music
Colour of Notation
Type of Notation
Monophonic Notation
Level of Calligraphy
Non-verbal Performance Instructions
Miniatures Frequency
Borders Frequency
Borders Size
Painted Initials Frequency
Painted Initials Type
Penned Initials Frequency
Penned Initials Type
Planned Initials Frequency
Planned Initials Type
Other Decoration Frequency
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Search results

  1. Barcelona, Spain, Biblioteca Orfeó Català, MS 5 (olim 12-VI-12), 1490-1510, All folios

  2. Berlin, Germany, Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz, MS Mus. 40021 (olim Z 21), c. 1485-1500, All folios

  3. Edinburgh, Great Britain, National Library of Scotland, MS Adv. 5.1.15, c. 1501-1546, All folios

  4. Jena, Germany, Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, MS 2, c. 1515, All folios

  5. Jena, Germany, Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, MS 4, c. 1516-18, All folios

  6. London, Great Britain, Lambeth Palace Library, MS 1, Late 1520s, All folios

  7. Milan, Italy, Archivio della Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo, Sezione Musicale, Librone 2 (olim 2268), c. 1490-1500, All folios

  8. Milan, Italy, Archivio della Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo, Sezione Musicale, Librone 1 (olim 2269), c. 1484-90, All folios

  9. Munich, Germany, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Musica MS 1 (olim H.C. 59; = MaiM 7), c. 1510-after 1523, All folios

  10. Munich, Germany, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Musica MS 34 (= MaiM 88), 1521 - c. 1530, All folios

  11. Munich, Germany, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Musica MS 7 (= MaiM 1), c. 1512-30 , All folios

  12. Regensburg, Germany, Bischöfliche Zentralbibliothek, MS C 120 (olim D XII), Early 1520s, All folios

  13. Tarazona, Spain, Archivo Capitular de la Catedral, MS 2-3, Early 16th century, All folios

  14. Toledo, Spain, Catedral, Obra y Fabrica, MS Reservado 23, c. 1520-1535, All folios

  15. Contrapunctus seu figurata musica super plano cantu missarum solennium totius anni, Lyons, France, 1528, , August 1528, 90